The Ride United Network (RUN), coordinated by United Way of Frederick County, started in March of 2023. The program focuses on providing discounted or free rides to families in ALICE households. ALICE stands for Asset, Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed. About 30% of the Frederick County population is categorized as ALICE, with most ALICE households in more rural areas. The concentration of ALICE households in more rural areas makes transportation particularly challenging for these individuals as Frederick County is the largest geographic county in Maryland.
With a recently awarded Multi-Year Grant from the Ausherman Family Foundation, United Way has plans to bolster this program, which has already proven impactful. Since its inception, the program has provided over 17,000 rides to Frederick County residents. Data shows that 36% of rides were to or from work, 32% were for healthcare access, and 24% were for education and food access. The need exists, and United Way wants to continue to bridge this gap in transportation services.
Over the course of three years, United Way has several metrics that it will strive to reach. In the first year, United Way will focus on stabilizing the program, paying for program costs, and searching for additional funding sources. This first year will allow the organization to continue collecting data about the rides to enhance its future services. In the second year, the data collected by RUN will be compiled and analyzed to better understand trends, challenges, and potential solutions. Finally, in the third year, United Way will continue providing services, collecting and analyzing data, and onboarding a new staff person focused on maintaining RUN and working to find long-term solutions to the transportation issues in our community.
This initiative promises to be a transformative program within Frederick County. The RUN program is part of a collective impact network designed to improve and raise awareness of the current transportation situation in Frederick County. The Ausherman Family Foundation is looking forward to the impact this program will continue to have.
To learn more about Ride United or to see eligibility guidelines, visit And reach two success cases here of graduates from for United Way’s Getting Head Program Sarah and Candy.
Is your nonprofit interested in becoming a RUN Ride Provider? Applications are open June 24 – July 15 for ride providers interested in joining the Ride United Network. Preference may be given to YOUTH PROVIDERS. Applicants will be notified the week of September 2 as to whether their application is approved. Questions? Please contact Landen Lombardo at gro.kcirederfwu@odrabmoll.

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