Latest News and Articles

Ride United Network Driving Ahead with Multi-Year Grant

Ride United Network Driving Ahead with Multi-Year Grant

The Ride United Network (RUN), coordinated by United Way of Frederick County, started in March of 2023. The program focuses on providing discounted or free rides to families in ALICE households. ALICE stands for Asset, Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed. About 30%...

Seton Center – Uplifting Lives in Northern Frederick

Seton Center – Uplifting Lives in Northern Frederick

The Seton Center is located in Emmitsburg and provides vital services in the northern part of the County by preventing hunger and homelessness, providing assistance for basic needs such as utilities, food, and clothing, and actively engaging clients to work towards...

Danielle Doll, Single-Year Grants Committee Advisor

Danielle Doll, Single-Year Grants Committee Advisor

Danielle Doll serves as Senior Manager of Strategic Communicationat the National Recreation and Park Association. Previously, sheserved as Associate Director of Downtown Frederick Partnership,a nonprofit economic development and National Main Streetorganization in...

Welcome Ariel Rodriguez to the Board of Trustees!

Welcome Ariel Rodriguez to the Board of Trustees!

Ariel Rodriguez Mercado was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He attended Rutgers University in 1995 as a Division 1 student-athlete. He then returned to Puerto Rico to pursue his professional volleyball career. He would go on to play for Puerto Rico’s national team and...

Danny Severn, Community Benefit Projects Advisor

Danny Severn, Community Benefit Projects Advisor

Danny is a Frederick local, with roots and family in Middletown. He works in commercial real estate having joined St. John Properties in 2008. He manages development projects in Frederick, Montgomery, and Washington counties in Maryland, as well as Loudoun and Prince...

2023 Ausherman Family Foundation Annual Report

2023 Ausherman Family Foundation Annual Report

Through grantmaking, impactful networks, physical projects, leadership development, and education, the Ausherman Family Foundation contributed $2,123,285 to the community. We are proud of the work we achieved over the past year and recognize none of it would have been...

Downtown Ambassador Program Active in the Community

Downtown Ambassador Program Active in the Community

In Downtown Frederick, a regular crew of individuals dressed in bright green jackets, vests, and shirts walk the streets. These people are part of the Downtown Ambassador team coordinated by Downtown Frederick Partnership. The Ambassador team has been an invaluable...

Salvation Army Day Center Operational Support

Salvation Army Day Center Operational Support

Entering another year of operations, The Salvation Army continues to offer a safe respite for people experiencing homelessness at its Day Center located at Grace United Church of Christ. The Day Center provides shelter from the elements and safety from scrutiny for...