Joshua Pedersen, Ausherman Family Foundation Trustee
The Ausherman Family Foundation, a private foundation established in 2006, recently announced the addition of a new trustee to their board trustees, Joshua Pedersen.
Mr. Pedersen works as the 211 Director of Network Operations and Performance for United Way Worldwide and previously served as the President and CEO of 211 Maryland and CEO of United Way of Frederick County. He also led the implementation of the 211 service throughout Utah. 2-1-1 is a helpline that connects people with local organizations that provide services including financial, domestic, health and disaster recovery.
Pedersen has worked and volunteered in the nonprofit industry for 23 years. He has served on boards including the Frederick County Local Management Board, Catholic Community Services, West Valley City’s Cultural Arts Foundation, Murray City Arts Council, the Utah State Commission on Volunteers, Maryland Governor’s Commission on Service & Volunteerism, Salt Lake Community College Thayne Center for Service & Learning, and as board president for the Utah Nonprofits Association.
“Frederick County is a wonderful place and I am excited to serve with an organization committed to the success of our community,” Pedersen said. “The Foundation has a legacy of doing good and it’s an honor to be part of it.”
The Foundation’s Trustees have been committed to supporting nonprofit organizations in Frederick County advance their charitable outcomes by empowering the passion for change.
Marvin Ausherman, Chairman of Ausherman Family Foundation, said, “We are extremely fortunate to have Joshua on our Board who brings an extensive background in nonprofit leadership as well as a comprehensive view of the needs of the Frederick community.”
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